Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 Degress

New Project Syndicate Article: “Defense of the 1.5°C Climate Change Threshold”

According to a recent paper in the journal Nature, the world’s remaining “carbon budget” –...

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CARBON BRIEF: World can meet growing food demands and limit warming to 1.5C, study says

Carbon Brief featured a new study, by Dr. Stefan Frank, which finds that reducing emissions from agriculture...

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Dummy Image. 1o5c Is Good.

CarbonBrief: Warming limit of 1.5C would ‘save’ huge expanses of permafrost, study says

  CarbonBrief article highlights that the increase to 2C rather than stabilizing at 1.5C has severe impacts on...

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New Project Syndicate Article: “Defense of the...

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At COP22: Civil Society and Youth Groups...

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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1.5 Degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement

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White logo of 1o5c


Infographic that says 0.5 is a big difference. 0.5 is the most ambitious target still considered achievable. Infographic that says Nations, People, Species need 1o5c to survive. Infographic that says 1.5 degree celsius means more clean air, jobs, and energy access and much else. Infographic that say that Science says it can be done if we all act fast. Infographic that says you can help by joining an event, run a campaign, show you support, spread the word.

0.5 is the most ambitious target still considered achievable.

Take Action

Image of Eiffel Tower. Help us in taking action in limiting global warming, targeting 1.5 degrees

Take Action

Get involved and keep updated on limiting global warming to 1.5°C

Image of 1o5c forming a word 1o5c using their cars. This is our campaign, help us meet our target 1.5 degrees celcius to prevent global warming.

Run a Campaign

Help spread the word and promote actions to keep warming below 1.5°C world

Image of people showing their support in our 1o5c campaign. Send us or upload your photo to show your support in our campaign preventing global warming.

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0.5 is a big difference

Half a degree is a big deal

Another infographic that says the planet already warmed by 1 degree celsius since industrialization, and people everwhere are feeling the heat. It affects people's health and safety around the world. Find out more

Two is just too much

Another infographic that says that the length of heat waves in the tropics doubles. When we reach 1.5 degree celsius and another whole month of heat waves would be added again if we hit 2 degrees. FACT: 1.6 of warming is the best estimate for when melting of the greenland ice sheet becomes irreversible. Learn about it

The bad news stops with Orange logo of 1o5c

Another infographic that says at the heart of the Paris agreement. A unique and universal new global treaty to tackle climate change. In 2016, renewable energy employed x4 the jobs that coal, did in the US for around 1/3 less power generated. It is the toughest warming target that can still be achieved. 1.5 degree celsius is a chance to thrive. Reducing the pollution behind global warming will boost prosperity bringing more clean are with new and high quality green jobs by improvng access to energy improving financial stability and much more. Get the info

You can help get us to 1.5c

Infographic that says 1.5 degree celsius is only possible with urgent global action. Business, Every Government, Community and Individual. All around the world people can take action by reducing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency, cutting back wast, stopping and reversing deforestation, and much else that is causing the pollution that is heating the planet Join us

What's On





INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1.5 Degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement

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The United Nations Climate Change Conference at Marrakech (UNFCCC COP22)


The United Nations Climate Change Conference at Marrakech (UNFCCC COP22)

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2:30 pm - 4:00 pm


1.5°C – Mobilising action and political will for a safer future

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1 2

We are United


Get creative commons #1o5C logos toolkit to be a fantastic campaigner and link your work to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.

Image of 1o5c toolkits. Toolkit to be fantastic campaigner, help us limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees


At COP22: Civil Society and Youth Groups Call for Urgent Climate Action on 1.5°C and 100% Renewable Energies

Marrakesh, Morocco. Major civil society groups demand that governments follow-up the Paris Agreement with increased urgent action to prevent average global warming from rising 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by transitioning to 100% renewable energy. COP22 must reinforce this Paris Agreement goal and the need for enhanced action as a matter...

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World’s Largest Greeting Card Mosaic for 1.5°C

By #1o5C The World Advanced Vehicle Expedition (WAVE) with the #1o5C campaign of the Climate Vulnerable Forum supported by UNDP and with Forumla E organised the world's largest greeting card mosaic at the Formula E race track in Marrakech 11 November 2016. More than 50,000 school children from 24 countries...

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Olympic Athletes Support #1o5C Campaign at Rio 2016

By 1o5C Author During the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, more than 100 athletes came together to tell the world that while they are striving to break sports records, 1.5°C is the record that we must not break. Keeping global warming below 1.5°C is the only safe global temperature goal that...

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Our Allies

Lead Organisations

Logo of Climate Vulnerable Forum

The Climate Vulnerable Forum is an international partnership of countries highly vulnerable to a warming planet.

Logo of Care

Care International is a humanitarian organization providing disaster relief and fighting poverty around the world.

Logo of CAN - Climate Action Network

Promoting goverment and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.


Logo of UNDP. Empowered lives. Resilient nations
Logo of GIP. Gestao de interesse publico
Logo of WAVE. Let's move the world!
Logo of Now Here.
Logo of The Stanley Foundation