Carbon Brief featured a new study, by Dr. Stefan Frank, which finds that reducing emissions from agriculture and food production is essential to prevent a rise above 1.5C. Food production, alone, accounts for approximately 30% of greenhouse gas emissions: this must be reduced to meet the 1.5 limit

However, it is vital that food availability continues to increase while emissions decrease. Dr. Frank finds that a carbon tax may be the most effective method to ensure food stability, he says:

“For this study, we use an economic land use and mimic different climate change mitigation policies implementing emission reduction targets and bioenergy demands. The emission reduction targets are achieved by implementing a carbon price in the model, which incentivises the shift towards more greenhouse gas efficient production systems.”

This is an important study which shows that carbon pricing can drive positive effects, but can also drive negative effects. It sets an agenda about how to avoid the negatives, whilst embracing the positives.

CLICK HERE to read the full study